Frequently Asked Questions - (FAQ)
What is it? - It is a gyroplane. (Some say gyrocopter, autogyro or just gyro) To the FAA, it is a gyroplane. Autogyros are the invention of Juan de la Cierva in 1923. Nearly a forgotten technology, autogyros have regained new popularity around the world thanks to manufacturers like Auto-Gyro GmbH.
Is it safe to fly? - Our gyroplanes will not stall or spin. In the unlikely event of an engine failure you can easily glide down and make a gentle landing under full control. The rotor system acts much like a parachute. The rotor does not depend on engine power to spin. The gyroscopic nature makes the gyroplane smooth and stable even in windy or turbulent conditions.
Is a gyro difficult to fly? - No. In fact it is easy. However, it is different from conventional aircraft. Get professional training from a Certified Flight Instructor (CFI).
It is a kit. Is it difficult to build? - No. We do emphasize that you come to a technical builder assist program. Complicated machining and fabrication are done at the factory. You will need to drill some holes, shape some parts and otherwise fabricate enough parts to meet the 51% builder rule for amateur built aircraft. AutoGyro USA kits are on the official FAA NKET 51% list. With the builder assist program building space, special tools and expert advice are available to make the process enjoyable and rewarding. Most gyros can be built with this program in about a week. Contact GyroLife for more information about the builder assist program.
What about the factory? - Auto-Gyro GmbH produces about 300 aircraft per year. They employ over 150 skilled technicians and workers. They are constantly refining and developing products for the gyro community from recreational to professional. Auto-Gyro GmbH has produced over 2500 gyroplanes for the world market.